
Saturday, October 23, 2010

I know, I know....

I love this time of year and am more than upset about being "under the weather" for quite some time now.
It's 5am and I woke up sick, not wanting to go back to bed until this feeling goes away....ugh..
I always think if I ignore it, then it will go away.....silly girl...
I have plans today for pities sake, have mercy on a soul.......
I have a "want to do"and a "need to do" list.....and when I don't feel well, something gets pushed to the back burner. Since my "want" list makes me feel better, at least spiritually, I'm sure that once again my "need" chores will be done in haste. Housework is highly overrated anyways, made up by a boring being with no other tangible passion. I love a clean abode, but I just wish one of my little Faerie Friends would take over the task so I have more time to dream and create.
It's been 4 years since Gram's passed.....always miss her most this time of year. Autumn was her favorite time of year, also. Yes, she was a cantankerous being most of the time, very pessimistic, glass half get the picture....but, she was my Gram's. She doted on me since I was born, not sure why. Certainly doesn't seem fair from another's perspective. I always felt guilty about it, although it wasn't my doing. I don't know what motivates people's actions, what life lessons they were meant to learn, so it's hard for me to judge. It's not my place to judge, only to search for what lesson I was meant to learn from all my life experiences. 
Miss you Grams, love you 

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