
Monday, November 1, 2010

Day after..

Someone hide the candy!!
I'm sick enough as it is, why is it that chocolate still calls me.....especially Reeses cups...mmmm.....
So, folks, for the 1st time in my motherhood life, I didn't give out candy last night. I was pretty blah, so I had the boys take our loot to the neighbors and give it out for us. Since Mr. Man wasn't here to help, I decided I just couldn't do it. Glad he's coming home from Kansas in awhile....missed him this weekend, so did the boys. At least he has a good job!
New Dr. visit this week, an immunologist in Cleveland. Maybe he'll be my Dr. House.....someone NEEDS to get to the bottom of this sickness of mine. I have had enough! Gosh, I try to stay positive, then hits like a mack truck.
Well, this is not a Thanksgiving themed blog design, but it sure is nice. Thank goodness for those helpful folks that provide free designs for us that can't figure out how to make our own. I WILL figure it out eventually, I am determined.
til next time, Happy November! 54 days til Christmas.....just sayin'

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